Re: ruserok() & /etc/hosts.equiv

Carl Corey (
Tue, 3 May 1994 05:12:33 -0500

At  9:28 PM 5/2/94 -0700, Walker Aumann wrote:
>Big Bad Jon <> reponds:
>> Define what you meant by ``ruserok denies access'' --
>A '+' is supposed to allow any user from any host, and it doesn't.
>A '+' in my hosts.equiv file makes the routine return -1, regardless of
>..rhosts.  While this is more secure than the expected behavior, I don't
>consider it correct behavior.  Then again, really correct behavior wouldn't
>include calling this function in the first place.

Perhaps Sun broke it on purpose.  Basically, there is no real reason to
trust all hosts, even if you're only on an in-house network.  I guess the
only real proponents of the + in hosts.equiv are crackers, as it doesn't
reveal the host they are using in an obvious way, and it allows them to
change hosts and still access your system.

BTW, this must be a new thing, as I know that early 4.1.x SunOS's came with
a + in hosts.equiv, and it did allow anyone to access the host.  Sadly, I
found this out when scanning my own network and finding a system run by a
VMS guy.
